Monday, March 24, 2014

Bows or Bow-ties...

There are a bunch of old wives tale's that predict your babies gender.  Honestly, I'm sure that most of them mean nothing, and maybe a couple have some small truth to them.  But whatever, it's still fun.  Here are my results:

Cravings: sweet = girl      *Nothing weird tho
Mood: grumpy = girl
Sleeping: right side? = girl
Chinese calander: girl
Heart rate: high = girl
Key grab: boy
Beauty: no = girl
Carrying: high? = girl
Morning sickness: yes = girl
Baby dreams: one of each?
Ring test: I can't remember, lol, but I think it said girl

I took a bunch of other ones with some friends that were about 75% girl.  My husband has always said girl, and he kind of wants a girl, which I think is so cute lol!  I kind of want a girl too.  Of course, I wouldn't care either way, and I have always thought it would be cool to have an older brother.  So a boy first would be nice too.  But so would having a girl to babysit earlier.  We just can't wait to find out!  

Our appointment to find out is scheduled for Monday the 31st!  By this time next week, we'll know!  Well, we better, hopefully they won't have their legs crossed.  As a side note, I felt the baby kick for the first time last Friday.  But it's still very faint and it's only like once a day.  I feel like it's a little late to finally start feeling it, but maybe not.  I'm pretty sure it's the baby, but I guess I don't really know.  

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Awkward Stage

I know that everyone who is not pregnant would be mad at me for calling myself fat, when I'm pregnant.  And I don't think I am, but I do feel like everything looks and fits differently now.  Suddenly my boobs are bigger and my tummy is bloated.  And this happened very quickly.  I remember thinking, I can't be showing yet.  No one starts showing at 8 weeks.  But it only got worse from there.  I think I have officially "popped" now, so to speak.  Last Friday I had 4 people tell me that I was showing now.  They would say that in an endearing sort of way.  And I suppose it is exciting but it also felt like a socially acceptable way of saying "you're tummy is getting fatter."  Haha.  Do not think that you can no longer say this to me, I realize that I have popped but has anyone else experienced this feeling at the start of their pregnancy??

I am super excited to have a baby!  I'm even excited to have that big round belly.  But I am not excited to be in that awkward stage before it becomes a big round belly.  The stage where people can't tell if you're pregnant or just gaining weight.  Nothing fits me anymore.  My regular clothes look weird and maternity clothes are too big.  But it's the stage we all had to go through, right?

I also find it funny when people tell me that I don't look any different.  That I'm not showing at all.  What's funny isn't that they are saying that, what's funny is how I don't like hearing that.  Lol.  Did I always look this fat to you?  But obviously they don't scrutinize my body the way I do.  A few pounds is never as noticeable to someone else.  And I know they are trying to be nice.  I've even thought that about my friends who have been pregnant.  But I'm sure they could tell that they looked different.

Oh, the joys of this stage.  Pretty soon here I'll probably start taking some belly pictures.