Sunday, February 23, 2014

First Trimester

I'm a couple weeks past my first trimester so it's about time to share my thoughts.  And I promise not to talk about just my pregnancy on my blog.  It will be a good majority tho, so sorry if you are uninterested.

Have you seen the movie What to Expect When You're Expecting?  Well, I LOVE that movie!  And basically I am the uncomfortable blonde in the movie.  You know, the one with all the annoying problems.  Unlike the step mom who floats through her pregnancy with an energetic glow.  Not me.  My two main thoughts throughout this pregnancy have been THIS SUCKS, and, to quote the movie, "Making a human being is really hard" with tears in my eyes.  

I cannot deny the fact that the only good thing to come from being pregnant so far is the fact that I am pregnant.  I wanted this, and I am super excited, don't get me wrong, but so far this sucks.  My symptoms include nausea, acid reflux, headaches, possibly heartburn (although I don't actually know what that is), exhaustion, weakness, muscles spasms, backne (from the movie), tender breasts, and an uncomfortable bloated stomach feeling.  Let alone my fat new look.  It's hard to describe how it really feels, but it is mostly like the day after you have the flu, when you are simply weak and tired and still feel sick.  Or possibly being punched in the stomach but it's all over your body, or carsickness.  But it's 24/7, and worse at night.  The worst part is that it won't get better in a couple days, it lasts a couple months.  So I just have to bear through it.

I have not worked out, or cared what I ate, or really cared much about anything.  I hardly left the house for 2 months.  I still don't know if work was a good distraction or if it just made life harder.  But all I can say is that January and most of February were really hard months.  And I really hope this lets me have an easy baby lol.

I am 14 weeks now and it's starting to get better.  Yesterday I didn't feel sick until dinner!  I was able to enjoy going out and going shopping.  Bought my first maternity jeans, which are awesome!!  Very comfy and cute.  I think I will be wearing them for Thanksgiving from now on.  :)  I hope things just get better from here.

If you haven't seen this movie, you have to see it.  Whether you have kids or not, it's hilarious.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What I Would Tell My 23 Year Old Self

Well, there are a lot of things I would tell myself at 23; newly married, just graduated from college.  Like:

  • Working full time is hard, there will be less time to run errands and meet people for coffee
  • But the free time at night to do nothing but watch TV will quickly get old, so pick up some hobbies
  • Sometimes a degree doesn't mean as much as you thought it did; it better be a degree that's useful
  • Remember to keep doing little things to show your husband you love him
  • Balancing work, school, and marriage is hard for him too
  • Don't forget to keep in touch with your friends.  Just because you're married doesn't mean you can ignore everyone else, even if it was on accident
  • Let your husband be himself, let him be free to do what he enjoys, not always what you both agree on

But these are not the main reason for this post.  What I really want to talk about is not to continue waiting for your life to begin.  Don't wait till you are done with college, wait till you have a baby, wait till you get the job you always wanted, wait till you have more money, etc.  My husband has just over a year left of school, we are about to have a baby, and I will be quitting my job in May.  I will be closer to the life I was always waiting for.  I'll be in "the SAHM club."  But now that I look back, I spent the last 3 years just waiting.  Nothing else.  I accomplished a lot and still had fun, but I was always just waiting for real life to begin.  

"Real life" is such a silly term.  What does that really mean?  Life is life.  It's always real.  I don't know if everyone feels this way sometimes or if no one does, but I did.  Maybe that's just part of what happens when you are married and still trying to get through college.  I remember waiting till I could go to high school, then waiting for my first boyfriend, then waiting to graduate college, and waiting to get married.  I guess there's been a lot of waiting for different stages.  So no matter what stage you're in, it's best to just live it up.  Easier said than done, I know.  At the same time, I know that hope for something in the future is important.  It helps us get through what we need to.  Hope should never be taken away.  But wasted time is not going to help anything either.  So there's my two cents, younger me.  :)  

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Big News

The moment I had been waiting for had finally come!  Glen and I had started trying to get pregnant; which is a somewhat more complicated and annoying process than I originally thought.  The previous month I started having tons of symptoms, thinking I was pregnant.  Plus I was 8 days late!  I knew for sure I was pregnant.  I planned to call the doctor the next day to set up an appointment to make sure.... The next day I started my period.  :(  So when the next month came and I had absolutely NO symptoms, I figured this wasn't our month.  I decided I would take a test if my period didn't start before Saturday.  Saturday was also Glen's birthday and I just thought that would be so awesome!  But I still didn't think I was.

On Saturday morning I got up early to take the test.  I wanted to do it before Glen got up and had to go to work.  I had 1 test left, I took it, and it was a dud!  Ahh!  Seriously!?  I had heard that you can actually use ovulation strips to test pregnancy too, so I took a couple of those and both lines showed up strong....  Hmmm, now I need to get a test!  I ran to walmart, still in my PJ's and glasses!  Haha.  I got the test and ran back.  I hurried to use it....  and ta da!  It was positive!  I couldn't believe it.  Especially because I hadn't felt different at all.  So I quickly got my little display ready.  Yes, I had this quite planned out.

Glen woke up and I showed him the display and said Happy Birthday, you're gonna be a daddy!  Or something like that.  He was super excited!!!  Yay!  Best birthday present ever, he said.  Then I had to just keep it to myself for a month or so.  That's the hard part.  And I took another test the next day just to make sure.  For a while it would be our little secret.  :)
I just had to get that book to tell Glen.  Plus we love Seinfeld.  But after I got that book, I read it, and I'm not a huge fan. And that onsie is a 6 month onsie, so it's a little big.

The more faded line is actually the test line, so yeah, we're definitely pregnant.
We're due August 20th.  :)  I am not looking forward to the hot hot summer in Yakima.  Ugh.  But we are very excited.  I just want to start feeling better now.