Sunday, February 23, 2014

First Trimester

I'm a couple weeks past my first trimester so it's about time to share my thoughts.  And I promise not to talk about just my pregnancy on my blog.  It will be a good majority tho, so sorry if you are uninterested.

Have you seen the movie What to Expect When You're Expecting?  Well, I LOVE that movie!  And basically I am the uncomfortable blonde in the movie.  You know, the one with all the annoying problems.  Unlike the step mom who floats through her pregnancy with an energetic glow.  Not me.  My two main thoughts throughout this pregnancy have been THIS SUCKS, and, to quote the movie, "Making a human being is really hard" with tears in my eyes.  

I cannot deny the fact that the only good thing to come from being pregnant so far is the fact that I am pregnant.  I wanted this, and I am super excited, don't get me wrong, but so far this sucks.  My symptoms include nausea, acid reflux, headaches, possibly heartburn (although I don't actually know what that is), exhaustion, weakness, muscles spasms, backne (from the movie), tender breasts, and an uncomfortable bloated stomach feeling.  Let alone my fat new look.  It's hard to describe how it really feels, but it is mostly like the day after you have the flu, when you are simply weak and tired and still feel sick.  Or possibly being punched in the stomach but it's all over your body, or carsickness.  But it's 24/7, and worse at night.  The worst part is that it won't get better in a couple days, it lasts a couple months.  So I just have to bear through it.

I have not worked out, or cared what I ate, or really cared much about anything.  I hardly left the house for 2 months.  I still don't know if work was a good distraction or if it just made life harder.  But all I can say is that January and most of February were really hard months.  And I really hope this lets me have an easy baby lol.

I am 14 weeks now and it's starting to get better.  Yesterday I didn't feel sick until dinner!  I was able to enjoy going out and going shopping.  Bought my first maternity jeans, which are awesome!!  Very comfy and cute.  I think I will be wearing them for Thanksgiving from now on.  :)  I hope things just get better from here.

If you haven't seen this movie, you have to see it.  Whether you have kids or not, it's hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha, pardon me for laughing, but this is just so funny to me. I remember we were at your teeny tiny apartment one time, and I was asked what pregnancy felt like or something. I remember saying that it sucks, and anyone who professes to like being pregnant is seriously in denial, or has repressed all the times when it just sucked. And now you know too! Pregnancy does suck a lot of the time, especially when there is morning sickness involved. That is my least favorite part, and I got it worse this time around than with my first. I get all the same symptoms in early pregnancy that you did, and I just have to say I hope it gets better for you like it does for me. The only thing is as those things start to get better, some other things might start to get worse. Beware round ligament pain, is all I'm saying. But you're really fit, so you might not have that problem and being pregnant might start to be a bit more enjoyable as you go on! I hope that's the case! Congratulations and good luck with starting your family!
