Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Downton Abby

I know I'm way behind on the times but we are watching Downton Abby season 3 right now.  We watched season 1 and 2 a while ago but something happened and we weren't able to watch season 3... without having cable anyways.  I know how to do netflix but that's about it.  If it's not on there, I can't watch it.  But Glen is the one who can find any show on some crazy website.

*Warning- I'm giving away things on the show.  So if you're like me and way behind on your shows, don't read on.  But anyways, Glen and I just watched the episode where Lady Cybil dies during child birth.  OMG.  Couldn't believe it!  But I was shocked at how emotional I was.  Seriously, I was crying the whole episode and the episode after that.  I just kept thinking about how awful it would be to die and leave a newborn baby with Glen.  He would NOT know what to do.  I just can't bare thinking of that.  It's amazing how times have made childbirth so much easier.  I don't even consider the fact that I might die having a baby.  They did a great job portraying a father who lost his wife but gained a baby girl.  So sad.

Babies are really on my mind lately.  All my friends are having babies.  I know of 4 women who have had babies, just in the past 4 days!  Not to mention all my friends who have had babies just this summer.  I can't wait to see some of the babies born when I get back to Pullman!  It's really baby season.  Plus, aren't we all excited about the royal baby.  :)  

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